Obama Poised to Carry Out Hostile Military Takeover of US

All I have to say is we must be ready. This world is getting crazy. Thanks to the uninformed voters and I just hope their the first to get theirs when it hit's the fan. I can hear them saying oh no our all mighty Obama would never do this,are would he. Hell yes he would.
This would have been a better OP

http://www.amazon.com/Wilderness-Evasion-Hiding-Eluding-Pursuit/dp/1581603657 With this book you can Eric Robert Rudolf it! Just stay away from trash cans!
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I read TheTurner Diaries a while back just to see what all the hubub was about.for a book written in 1978 it is scary as hell how it seems that something like that is happening now. i dont condone any of the content of that book it was just something i wanted to read. just scared me a lil.
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