Not scary at all: Coming soon to a battlefield near you

@Bypass will buy one, find out that it won't function and sell it to BangBang BangBang ( at a loss ).He'll then invite @FrogHunter over, get him drunk, and talk him into arm wrasslin' the dang thing to see if he can put it's arm through a table. We won't even think about what @Nonliberal would do with/to it if he got his hands on it. Just a guess. :becky: :evil: :grouphug:
I wouldn't take that thing for FREE!!!! I've got a ****ed up, deep-seated fear of robots.

I MIGHT get within 200 yards of it, IF it had 10lbs of Tannerite strapped to it and I had an AR!

Other than that..... keep that creepy SOB away from me!

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