New ad for banning "Assualt Clips"

This is based upon what? I for one want to have as many bullets as possible as I don't know what I may ever have to face. Ever been somewhere when 3 or 4 questionable guys walk in looking for trouble? I'd sure as hell want more than 6-8-10 rounds that you deem appropriate. The simple fact is the average gunfight lasts the length of the first magazine. I want as many as or more rounds than the bad guy.

It goes back to the simple fact that who are you to tell me what I can and can't have?

sparked1 apparently is of the crowd that thinks that banning something will keep it out of the hands of criminals who don't give a crap about the law. If anything, the criminals own more "banned" weapons and accessories than law-abiding citizens, don't you think?

If the ban passes, we can all feel safer knowing that the only people who have 33-rd mags are the BAD GUYS.

Give me a break.
Guys, you live in America, the land of the free, the land of opportunity, the land of.....compromise. So they want to ban 33rd mags. Let them. Let them make people "feel" safer and let the politicians feel like they're doing they're job. I'll give up 33rd mags for a handgun, aren't they really just nice-to-haves at this point anyhow? Yes, there are principles involved, but we are politics-driven and if you want a voice, you have to play the game. Now if they said let's make ARs 10rd max, then that's a different story. In this situation though, let them pull the wool over people's eyes once again. The next Jared Loughner will simply switch from a Glock to an AR. This is about as logical as limiting cars to 20-gallon tanks and pretending it's going to help the environment. It's idiotic.

Reasonable compromise would be fine if that was all they were looking for. But, it's not. They have said repeatedly that their goal is a ban on all firearms and they are working towards that tirelessly. If we willingly allow any further restrictions on the 2nd, it will simply encourage them to push for more restriction. As long as our opponents do not allow for real compromise the only viable strategy for us is to not compromise at all. Even now, we are fighting a loosing battle.

Slowly but surely they are chipping away at our rights to own a firearm. Look how far they have come since 1900. Why the he77 shouldn't I be allowed to park a tank in my front yard if I want to? I am no more likely to commit a crime with it than I am with a single shot rifle. But, it would surely deter a criminal or my government from committing a crime against me.

This is the true crux of the argument. A well armed citizenry means the government has less power. Most politicians are in government to gain power. The liberal citizens clearly believe in a nanny state, thus the citizens must be treated as children and it would be irresponsible the allow children to have guns. The liberal politicians want more power so the citizens must be disarmed. See, from their point of view it is simple logic.

A conservative politician looks at armed citizens and see people that have their back, rather than as a threat to their power.

Obviously, these are generalizations, but that means they are generally true statements.
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The problem with compromising with what they want to do is that we've already compromised so much that the 2nd amendment seems more like a suggestion and a core principle on which the nation was founded. I personally feel that a citizen should be able to arm himself in a similar fashion to the military if he has the desire and the resources to do so. Mr. Jefferson was very wise in his belief that a well armed citizenry was to be well armed not only to deter foreign (which was one of the reasons the Japanese made the decision NOT to invade the U.S.) but to protect ourselves and our communities from a tyrannical government.

We should compromise with the left by letting them keep registration of silencers while regaining our ability to have unrestricted access to fully automatic weapons! It's not like the bad guys don't already have them in their possession!
Damn assault clips
Calm down everyone, you are just going to raise the price of mags with all this paranoia. I heard that Walmart was going to stop selling handgun ammo...
Read an article in the Wall Street Journal last week that contradicts this. They are going to add rifle/shotgun sales to more stores and stock more of "all" types of ammo including handgun ammo.
You would be better off to avoid walmart anyway, it is a virus.

Here's a news flash........there is constantly legislation pending, that if passed, could ban private firearms ownership altogether.
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