Nearly two weeks cold turkey without a smoke.

Your teeth are itching because the nicotine has been numbing the nerves in your gums. Same as alcohol.

Hang in there. When you want a smoke drink a glass of water. if that doesn’t help enough eat a big meal. If that doesn’t help enough go for a walk or a drive or workout or take a nap.

nicotine gets fellers confused about what the body is asking for.

If you buy a pack smoke one and throw the others out the window on the way home.

It helps to try to cut out refined sugar too.

hang in there.
All you cravings stopped after about 10 weeks. Not sure why but I think the idea of a habit and the nicotine dependency are about 50/50. The nicotine clears your system in about a week I think, the habit was the hardest....after a meal, when in the woods, cruising ODT......etc. Hang tough and it will pass as you "unhabit"

I hope .....2 weeks to go then! It’s definitely the habit it miss most...... after meal, driving, and managing geniuses daily! Ha! Thanks
quit in 94, you can do it too,
you can do it.gif
Oh I am 375 dollars a month I'm saving. Grats man. Stay strong.
Yeah it's expensive to be a smoker these days. When I go over to the Circle K next to my job they have the pack prices posted in the front window. Marlboro Reds are like $5.89 And Newports are over $6.00 a pack. They really sticking it to the black community.
Glad I never started. I'd hate to wake up every mo9and realize I gotta spend another $5.00 just to get through the day.
So can you taste and smell stuff again?
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