Most likely SHTF situation.

just judging by what is going on in the world and in our country....THE most likely shtf scenario is the checks from the gov't stop coming and the moochers riot as they are doing in other countries ie england,greece,syria, may draw your own conclusions as to how that will affect you locally....
Riots seem a very plausible scenario......especially with many liberal commentators and some politicians comment about civil unrest. The Day of Rage (March on Wall Street) on Sept 17th could be very telling.
Well actually I meant Milwaukee with the recent union crap and the flash mobs but for some reason Chicago came out. However the murder rate and overall crime in Chicago got so bad recently that city officals discussed publicly of calling in the Natl Guard to deal with it. A lot of the flash mobs that are taking place in the inner city and urban areas by black teens against mostly white people goes largely unreported by the leftist media. So yea I would say these areas are a lot closer to collapse than we know.

You left this one out. It's a little closer to home too:
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