Mid 30’s dating

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Cheaper on the spot market!!
Look for someone on there own doing something you both like. Ex.at a shooting range or a bluegrass festival etc. A common interest might grow from there. Don't look somewhere that bores you just because women like it. You might find someone and be trapped for a long time.
Go to church!

Going to give you the same advice I gave my brother. Work on being the person you should be and the woman you deserve will come into your life.
He has the unlikeliest story of meeting the wonderful woman who became his wife that I’ve ever heard.

Great suggestions. Some churches have great singles activities. If you are a man of Faith, I highly recommend you make an effort of sincere prayer. Ask God where you need to be and what you need to be doing to find the right lady. She’s out there somewhere probably doing the same things you are doing.
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