Mask wearing explained for the unbelieving


Sarcament simplified for the masses ;)
This is the SUIT that the CDC virus technicians wear while handling ANY VIRUS! If that's what they wear while there is ANY risk of C-19 contamination, why would they recommend face diapers?!
Cloth simply does not stop the virus, the weave is 100x larger than the virus itself.


Also, in the beginning, the CDC (lied) said that cloth masks protect OTHERS from you transmitting the virus. Last week, they came out and (lied) said that masks protect the wearers now. When one narrative fails, rewrite the script.
When I am in a room full of people and I let out a fart, I am wearing underwear, and thick pants and I can still run everybody out of the room, so how is a cloth mask gonna stop a virus?
LOL, not running from a fart, would be like falling in a puddle of ****, and laying there, The virus, if it smelled like some farts, no one would be sick, except the already sick fart sniffers, decent folks would run for it.
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