Llama porn…lol

When I was dating my wife she had this llama .380 under the pillow. every time I went to check it the thumb safety was off. Every ****ing time. It was traded for a 442 internal. Whew!!
My dad had a Llama in 45. Couldnt get through 1 mag without a stovepipe. It was still fun to shoot 👍
I use to carry it in a shoulder holster when I went deer hunting.
It was a nice looking weapon with great looking blue.
My first experience with 1911 type pistols as a teenager.
I owned a Llama .45, 30 years ago and regret selling it every time I look at a 1911. It would eat whatever I gave it and never, ever had any failures. I was young and auto insurance came due, so I sold it for what I paid for it.
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