Just imagine what gas prices would be after this happens!

Ya know I had read last year or so that Russia said if Iran were ever attacked by the U.S. they would aid them. I believe China said the same that but not as certain on that.

If all this really goes down then I can see another huge war coming up. I highly doubt Israel will stand around much longer while Iran works on a nuclear weapon. They have stated many times they want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. But with a weapon of mass destruction they would have the ability to give it a try & blame terrorist for the incident.

Iran don't stand a chance in hell against Israel.
We just need a Republican president that will tap those vast oil fields we have in the midwest, bringing fuel prices down and and freeing our dependency on that rag oil.
agreed, using our own resources would be a great start to turning our economy around.

we could ways buy later..........aint that what we simple folks do, use what we got if we cant afford more, buy more when we can
The day after Romney is elected Alli Ahole will shut up and crawl back in his cave! History will repeat itself.

Remember when Carter was president and the hostages had been in Iran for over a year? The shortly after Ronald Reagan beat Carter and became president, the hostages were released because Iran knew Republican presidents don't play and would bomb them and level their cities.

I still think Bibi will bomb Iran and that will drive our prices up.
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