I'm joining the Cart Narcs (at least in spirit)

I always return my cart either to the store or the buggy corral.
Today I had to run to the grocery store to pick up a prescription. That was it, no groceries just the meds easypeesy in and out.
When I got out of the truck I noticed that someone had left a cart on the island next to where I'm parked. I didn't need it but that bugs me so I thought I'd be nice and take the buggy in with me.
I hadn't gone a foot when the front tire either got caught on something or locked up and I got flipped ass over elbows on the asphalt. My back is already screwed ( I just had a series of spinal ablations last week) and I couldn't move for a minute (think beached whale) before a couple of nice ladies came over and helped me up.
The back doesn’t seem to be any worse for wear but now I'm sitting in the ER with a busted wrist.
The lessons are no good deed goes unpunished and put your damn carts away.
was it at Kroger (Krogers in the south) ?
the one near me has carts that lock up if you go out the wrong door. it has a literal electronic brake on one of the front wheels. if that was what caused it, you may have a leg to stand on. even if you dont have a wrist or back...
sorry you got hurt. but when you go back. check the wheels. one may have a brake on it...

Demand a cash settlement w/the store.
And the manufacturer of the shopping cart.

And the owner of the Real Estate which leases the land to the grocery store chain.

And the Company that paved the parking lot.

And a "John Doe" defendant yet unknown until the discovery process is complete which is the lazy person who didn't put their cart away properly.

And sue some church, because this might be classified as an "act of God."
Yeah, check for those locking wheels. It’ll be a solid black wheel that looks different from the others. Watched a couple of Kroger workers trying to drag carts back by the door. 2 guys, one cart. Dragging it. What’s up? Both said those locking wheels were disabling about half the carts. Locking up and not unlocking. They told me the manager told them it was the dumbest thing corporate ever did. They told me the guy that comes to repair them is so busy it takes a week to get him out so they just put them all over to the side till he can get there.
Stupid shiit !! If I was a manager I would demand that those be disabled. That is idiotic and does nothing for the problem. It just makes it harder to retrieve the carts I think !
They have a part of the budget set aside for cart theft and retrieve time I bet.
Well they do have it on the security footage. They've already flagged it and filed an incident report.
The guy I talked to said it looked bad on camera, I told him if it wound up on the internet I would kick his ass.
Location? I gotta a Benjamin for him to release the video to me!!!

Hope you get better quickly
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