If you still live in Gwinnett and have school aged children....

Her bio is scary.
Here's looking at you Cobb.....

I've been astonished at the decline of the metro area in the last 30 years. I can't even fathom what 30 more will be like. Probably Detroit will be an upgrade by then.
Even though my son is out of school we are still relocating to put this in our rearview asap.
It's just heartbreaking what has happened to this state. But that's the liberal way.
Step 1) Find nice places
Step 2) Move there and screw them up
Step 3) Back to step 1
add Clayton and Henry to the list
fo real??????????????

Hey ya'll Gwinnett in my rearview mirror 1 1/2 years ago, adios, via con Dios.

Thought I could drive a School bus................great paid training for four months. Old white guy like me just don't have the skills....with deal with the children. Can't touch them, can't discipline them, can't control them.

Well I am praying for the children.
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