How do you know when you've lost it?

this is a very good post.
The only thing I would question is the line where you stated:
They will still be calling conservatives names instead of providing any meaningful reason for conservatives to support the leftists agenda or any compromise”

I don’t think the Democrats have any interest in compromise or trying to convince Republicans of anything,
i’m not even sure the Republicans are interested in being conservative anymore.
The republican party doesn’t seem to stand for anything anymore.
How do you convince someone to change their ideals, when they don’t seem to have any?
If they do, I would like someone to explain to me how this last guy was a good representation of conservatism or Fiscal responsibility or family values or religious faith or even any ideals that the Republicans claim to hold?

It’s just my observation of late.
This last guy was a result of decades of pent up frustration of the voters who are very tired of the politics as usual and feeling like no politician care about them. Feeling like no one cares about the middle class normal people.

Feeling like every politician is falling all over themselves to help illegal immigrants and blacks and people who foolishly borrowed tons of student loans etc , all of those groups have legitimate problems to address, but so do the people who make up the rest of the country. And no politicians can gain any status on tv by trying to address the problems of middle class mostly white people.

And he was running against Hillary.
There’s 140 million adults in the country, and these two are the best we can come up with as candidates for president ?

I think most Trump supporters didn’t care about Trump, the just felt that Trump cared about THEM!

Maybe he cared about them, maybe he didn’t, but he was able to convey that message.

It’s an uphill battle for any conservative , since the news media hates them and lies about them all the time never ending. Even if it’s lies of omission, they ignore Biden’s pedophile hair sniffing , and his son being clearly bribed by the Russians and Chinese , and his fake hair.

while never stopping pounding Republicans for every little thing they do and just lying and making up stuff.

I wish a new party could be formed from the moderates of both party’s .

people like Sam Nunn and Zell Miller and other moderate democrats who are not full blown socialists and communists.

hell , I even agreed with something AOC said a couple of weeks ago, when she said having less than two hours to read the stimulus bill before voting on it was not democracy it was kidnapping.

And you’ve seen the hypocrisy just last week.
The news media called the BLM riots and antifa taking over a town, “peaceful protests” while the town was burning on the background.

But the same media went totally bonkers when some while people broke some windows in Washington.

and all those fences that won’t do anything to enhance security at the border... suddenly they enhance security around the inauguration ceremony , don’t they ????
My opinion of course.
But I don’t see the Democrats spending a lot of time complaining about the previous president.

As a matter of fact after the Senate holds their impeachment trial.
I think both parties electeds are going to be very glad that he is gone and unless he spends his time trying to keep himself relevant in the news every day every day every day (and he likely will)

There are a lot of people in Washington that would be happy to not even here his name repeated for quite a long time..
I bet there is a lot of people in Washington that are glad he is gone... Now it's back to business as usual. Screwing the Citizens...
I bet there is a lot of people in Washington that are glad he is gone... Now it's back to business as usual. Screwing the Citizens...

yes, absolutely. That’s why I think there’s a possibility McConnell and the Senate will vote to convict.
They all want him to go away.
They remember what it was like before he came to Washington...
Do you think He was a conservative, or was even a good representation of what the Republican Party should stand for? << Serious question.
I personally don’t think he was much of a conservative , but everyone on the left is equating every conservative with Trump and trump with every conservative, and that’s not a good way to think of it.
He was just the anti Hillary and anti “been in DC for 50 years “ typical politician.

I think there are many millions of people who didn’t like trump himself, they just wanted anybody but Hillary.

Trump may be gone , but the built up frustrations of 75 million voters has not gone away.

The best comment I’ve seen on it was Tucker Carlson’s show the day of the capitol protest.

He was asking why these people feel that having a protest at the capitol was their best and only option.
The election is over and Trump is gone but those 75 million people haven’t changed , they are still frustrated, and feel like no one is DC gives a care about them .
If you’re not part of a protester minority group, if you’re a law abiding, tax paying , middle class white person, no one in DC gives a **** about you. the people in DC just want you to vote for the and shut up and go away until the next election while they pander to everyone except you.

Those feelings have not magically evaporated just because Biden and the democrats barely won an election. The democrats shouldn’t be acting like they have taken over the world once and for all and declare permanent political victory , because that just isn’t the case.

Everyone in DC is glad trump is gone, because now they can go back to lining their pockets with bribes and campaign contributions and insider trading.
and go back to bribing and pandering to special minority groups by telling them that all those white peoples hate them and if it wasn’t for us, you’d all be dead.

It’s like the old military thing, they have won the current war, but can they win the peace ?
I’m sure all the democrats and leftists are super happy right now.
The problem is , they think they have won permanently, and it’s just a temporary win.
Theres 72 MILLION voters who are not happy with electing leftist liberals.
And the democrats have done zero to address that. And they won’t.

They will claim they want unity , but they don’t, and their voters don’t.

They will still be calling conservatives names instead of providing any meaningful reason for conservatives to support the leftists agenda or any compromise.
The liberals would rather keep calling the enemy , (which is anyone who disagrees with them ) names than discuss why they disagree and attempt to understand why they disagree and what, if anything , can be done to bring those people into being your supporters .

it’s a gradual thing, politicians never tell the truth, that’s why the govt kept saying the Covid lockdown was two weeks.
They knew it was going to take years, but also knew better than to say it .
They would rather lie a little at a time.

Just like with smoking,
first you could smoke anywhere,
then Restaraunt’s had to have a non smoking section,

Then they couldn’t allow smoking at all on the building it had to be outside, then the liberals said it couldn’t be on the sidewalk out front it had to be down the street at the park,

then you couldn’t smoke in the park you had to go sit in your car, now there are place that have outlawed smoking on your automobile and in your own home.

The leftists and democrats will try the same thing with in effective and useless gun control laws. Just a little nibble here and there along and along.

It worked fine with income taxes.

can you imagine the fedgov trying to sell the current income tax plan to a society that had never paid income taxes before?

You’d start with , “it’s only 1% and it’s only for super rich people and it’s only until the war is over “

This country has survived far worse than a senile old liberal leftist who sniffs little girls hair.
and it will survive this .

politicians are not smart enough to compromise , they just want to be divisive and show their base bigots how much they hate the opposing team.

And all of this is stoked by the news media. The more controversy and hype the news media can fabricate, the more people tune in and click on their websites.
that equals money for the news media, which is their only goal.

The news media no longer exists to provide you with information about what happened in the world today. That ended with Walter Cronkite.

The new media exists solely to make a profit for themselves. Which is only possible if they make everyone thing the world is going to end tomorrow.
The only news media that doesn’t have the hair is on fire, the world is ending tomorrow attitude is the BBC.
The report the news and don’t tell me how to feel about the days events. They trust that I’m able to do that part all by myself without any lies or opinion shows that claim they are news shows.

Same with the weather, you’ve seen where they hype every storm like it’s the end of the world and you have seen the video where the weather people are kneeling in a ditch to make the water appear chest high , while people Walk past in the background in ankle deep water.

you’ve seen the video there the weather reporters are in a canoe and the water is actually 7 inches deep with people walking next to the canoe.

all the news is now like that. The world is ending and you’re gonna die!

democrats will never accept winning the election until they can silence anyone and everyone who disagrees with them...
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