How close have you got to a deer?

As freak encounters go, about 25+ yrs ago i got up one morning, made coffee, went to get newspaper(when they delivered them) opened front door and there was a huge buck eating our flowers - Not even 10ft from front door !
It stunned us both for about 20 seconds then he was gone so fast ! Lol.
I was so shocked i didnt even count the tips - lol.

I have pet them before at feeders.
Two six pointers spotted me, once. I was on a short ladder stand with my feet hanging down. One of them sniffed a sapling I had held on to while I sawed it off. He didn`t spook. He was curious about me to the extent where he eased up and started sniffing my snake boot. I felt his nose through the boot. He finally slipped off with the other deer.
I had a little buttonhead come hang out with me one time when I was deer hunting. I was sitting leaned back against a tree, over a slough, and he wandered up, straight to me, sniffed my pants leg, sniffed the stock of my rifle, then just circled me, sniffing every step or so. I don't think he could figure out what sort of bush I was. He eventually wandered off. Good day of hunting. Only deer that I saw.
This was up close and personal.
Finally found this old pic. Wife and I were driving to work one night and found a big old 8 pointer real closeup. He jumped out in front of me and I hit him once, he went up in the air and came down and wrapped around the fender. That was a 1988 Caprice, built like a tank. Tore it up from the bumper to the front doors.

Was on a dark road, and there was a gas station at the top of the hill a few hundred yards away. Managed to limp the car there to call my son and cops. By the time my son got there somebody stopped and picked that sob up. Really pissed me off, I was going to mount that thing.

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