How close have you got to a deer?

Inside my tripod and walk berween 12" ladder stand and tree while hunting. I had an 8pt about 20 yards away and a spike closer than that last week. Tagged out is the only reason he is still walking.
Neighborhood deer are about like squirrels in that you can hit them with a long stick.
I think it was 2ft away, had my bag of scents behind me and it was my first deer with my dad very cool experience, it was a 5 pointer too
Back years ago I went on a black powder hunt to Ogeechee WMA. I went to town after the first evening hunt to get a bite to eat...I pull out on the road and their was a doe standing in the middle of the road..I flashed my high Beams and she just stood there, as I came closer slowly with my truck, she did not move..This has never happened to me before or after, I got so close with the window down, I slapped her on the ass!!!!!!!!! Only then did she slowly get off the road..That is a day I will never forget....
Only if you had a smart phone back then huh?!
Had one come thru my car windshield about 40 years ago in IL....does that count??
Man I wish I still had the pictures a girl I worked with several years ago sent me. She hit a small bucks in the middle of Bremen. Somehow it was decapitated in the process and the head ended up in the floorboard under her but facing her. They had to take her to the sanitation unit at the hospital to clean all the blood and guts off
I was hunting public land a few years ago. Had a doe and a fawn walk right up beside me. I was hunting on the ground. The doe was about fifteen feet away and the fawn was about eight feet away and stared right at me for what seemed like forever. Probably only a couple of minutes. Then they just wondered off.
My Father and I were hunting together when I was about 10 years old and we had a young doe walk right up to us. She got about 3 feet away before seeing us. Dad said “hello” to her when she saw us. She turned around and walked off back to where she came from.
I’ve always lived out in the country and never seen deer like that except at berry college
When my wife (city girl who doesn't hunt) walks the dog or goes out running and sees deer just hanging out in the neighborhood, I don't think my she can appreciate how difficult it is to kill one. I spent an entire week in the woods this past week and didn't bring a deer home...I took pics of the deer so she knew I was out there hunting lol
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