How close have you got to a deer?

This happened last night while I was driving back up the driveway from me and my wife hunting. As usual if you watch one long enough I have to attempt to see how close I could get. Was a pretty cool interaction overall. Lasted well over 5 minutes.
I've had several close enough to touch events. One was on Cedar Creek WMA many years ago. I was hunting an afternoon hunt and it was getting close to dusk and a yearling came up a pine row and got close enough to me I could have touched her on the nose. I stayed as still as possible she would sniff me and snort and then Stomp her hooves. This went on for about 5 minutes and then she just went on her way. Another time I was hunting in Putnam County with some friends and I heard of 4 does came up the trail within three feet of me and after they passed me one of them snorted and they all took off shame it wasn't Doe day. The last time I was riding a motorcycle on Skyline Drive in Virginia and one was in the road we were going very slow probably not 15 miles an hour and went close enough you could have patted her on the head. I was being very cautious in case she jumped
Feed them bread in the backyard all the time.

Haha. That’s pretty cool. I’ve seen videos of deer coming up to people hunting on the ground. It would be a memorable experience for sure. I gotta say if that one would have let me pet it I doubt I’d be shooting any does around the house anymore. I’d make it a pet.
They are almost tame here at our house. That doe in the pic brought her two fawns with her most of the time. Had a few bucks around but they don't come close to the house.
Back years ago I went on a black powder hunt to Ogeechee WMA. I went to town after the first evening hunt to get a bite to eat...I pull out on the road and their was a doe standing in the middle of the road..I flashed my high Beams and she just stood there, as I came closer slowly with my truck, she did not move..This has never happened to me before or after, I got so close with the window down, I slapped her on the ass!!!!!!!!! Only then did she slowly get off the road..That is a day I will never forget....
This little one walked on the trail in front of me at Sweetwater recently for maybe a quarter mile until we came to the bridge/bench where the mother was and they both moseyed off into the woods without much concern for me

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