Helping a Disabled Elderly lady

It's OK some people don't like it when someone knows more about something than they do .look I do all the electric work on our church and you can come by and see the kind of work I do. I am just trying to help people that need help and can.t afford a pro. my offer stands just pm me if I can help .
What's your problem dude? He's offering to help. Y'all have a bad deal or something ?
If your professional electrician can you offer help?
Unlicensed electrical work is how buildings burn. I'm a professional firefighter and see this daily.

You won't be helping this lady if you let some self proclaimed handyman work on the electrical. You may hurt her or make things worse than they are now.

Just my professional opinion.
How they burn is people cannot afford to pay a pro to fix the problem so they let it go and then the problem get worse then the fire starts. so put your money where your mouth is and pay a pro to fix it for her if you care so damn much. 90% of guys that do electric work are not licensed ,they work under one person with a license .
If the ex is required to furnish a house for this woman to live in, it would be greatly advantageous to him for the one she is currently occupying not to be condemned, I would think. The water and mold problems are health risks. If he is court ordered to provide her with a dwelling, I would think that would mean a habital dwelling. JMHO. I am not an attorney, the above should not be considered legal advice.
I have plenty of outlets.
What would cause them to spark? No ground ?

Not being an electrician, I do not have the answer to your question. Good on your KrisD for trying to help this lady out and give her a better life. But please, have a licensed electrician diagnose the problem you see. It may be a simple fix, but what if what you see is a symptom of a larger issue. I know you want the lady to be safe and this is one way to ensure her safety. I don't know a licensed electrician or I would lobby on your and the lady's behalf. I would be willing to try and help out monetarily to make sure the electrical work is done properly.
Sometimes KrisD, you get what you pay for, and when it comes to electrical work, pay to make sure the problem is completely repaired. I would be wary of those who want to repair something when they have no idea how to diagnose the problem.
I agree but she is afraid to do that. I did not try to dig into her personal life. I simply offered a hand to help. She has about 1200 donated to cover all materials. Was hoping to find some others willing to lend a hand in labor help. If not i will personally take care of it all.
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