(Has been found) Trailer Stolen! $10000 reward!

Awesome news, blowing trailer tires is normal needless to say I hope your boss buys new tires and buys 2 spare wheels for it and a tracker
Thought I'd update yall. Cops said numerous trailers stolen in that same area so they put up a decoy with a tracker. They followed them back after they stole it and found our trailer with the gears still on it only 15 miles away. The gears were too heavy to move and they tried cutting them down but didn't succeed with that either. We got everything back and fortunately the gears are repairable.

Awesome news! Glad they caught the bastards and got the trailer back too
Thought I'd update yall. Cops said numerous trailers stolen in that same area so they put up a decoy with a tracker. They followed them back after they stole it and found our trailer with the gears still on it only 15 miles away. The gears were too heavy to move and they tried cutting them down but didn't succeed with that either. We got everything back and fortunately the gears are repairable.
Should have used the perps as wheel chocks.
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