found this in my house

I don't know what kind of snake it was but I found it coming out of my bedroom and it scard the crap out of me I didn't want to kill it but it had me cornered.I was painting my room and move some junk and there it was coiled up when it struck I drawed and pull the trigger now I got a hole in my floor to patch you can see some paint on his or her tail.anybody know what kind it is

Nice shooting!
You got rat's/mice hanging out.... they are hunting...

Go to home dept and get; Rat Bait Boxes, Rat Bait, Liquid Nails, and a few Patio Walkway Blocks.

Liquid nail the box to the patio blocks, put the bait inside the box, and spread a few of these suckers out on your property....

I did this and copper's and rattlers haven't been seen since.....
There will be AT LEAST one more somewhere around there, they are not loners.
Be very careful, their bite is extremely painful and damaging to muscle tissue...potentially fatal but not usually if you seek immediate medical treatment.

I agree. They are usually in pairs.
Find the closest ER that has antivenom.
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