Does anyone shoot mistletoe at Christmas

Would take Dad's bolt action .410, screw the choke all the way down, and go mistletoe shooting. Great for the kids, because you didn't have to be be as accurate.
Several Christmases ago I was shooting mistletoe from a 40' tree on my land. I was using a .22 pistol and having poor luck. My nephew's wife asked if she could try . Anyway, first shot , down comes a dead squirrel. I have never laughed that hard before or since. She,of course, was horrified that she had killed one of God's critters.
As child growing up I remember every year my Pappy going into the woods and shooting down mistletoe with his 22 rifle. Of course he would bring it back to the cabin and anytime their were ladies around they would conveniently find themselves under it. Pappy was a trip.
Yesterday my family and I went into our backyard and with Pappy's 22 we shot down mistletoe. We tied a piece in our house for personal use. We also took some and dropped off with neighbors. It brought a smile and laughter to everyone's face. I had one neighbor share how her grandmother always hung mistletoe. I struggle to enjoy Christmas but I enjoyed sharing one of our families traditions with others. I also enjoyed using the first gun I ever shot and being with my wife and kids. When I got finished I wish I would have let them take a few shots so they understood the challenge of shooting a limb out of a tree.
Yes I know its poisonous. I advised them to kiss under it not to eat it.
Does anyone else shoot down mistletoe at Christmas?
Camsdaddy, I've never shot down mistletoe, but I loved your story. Thank you for spreading Christmas cheer. Happy trails and may God bless America.
Camsdaddy, I've never shot down mistletoe, but I loved your story. Thank you for spreading Christmas cheer. Happy trails and may God bless America.
Christmas has not always been the easiest season for myself and many others. Trying to focus on the joy of Christmas this year and remember the good memories. My dad passed away this summer and on that day I told him “it ain’t all been bad”. Amazing how his death reminded me more of the good things than his short falls I had focused on for so long. I’m trying to give Christmas the same grace.

btw one of the neighbors brought us two poinsettias. I text him and said that mistletoe must have gotten him some pretty good sugars for us to get two plants.

Detonating cord wrapped around the tree trunk will do the job, after the tree falls, (make sure you're at a safe distance) "200 yards" is about right, just pick what ever amount of toe you need, but leave quickly as the blast will bring LEO's from all directions...​

Christmas has not always been the easiest season for myself and many others. Trying to focus on the joy of Christmas this year and remember the good memories. My dad passed away this summer and on that day I told him “it ain’t all been bad”. Amazing how his death reminded me more of the good things than his short falls I had focused on for so long. I’m trying to give Christmas the same grace.

btw one of the neighbors brought us two poinsettias. I text him and said that mistletoe must have gotten him some pretty good sugars for us to get two plants.
Camsdaddy, sir, I'm sorry for the loss of your Father. The stories that you have shared with us will allow ODT folks to get to know your dad and you to relive sweet memories. God bless you and yours.
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