"Do you have a carry permit I can check?"

Just look to Commiefornia for the master plan in action. Can't buy lead bullets because of the environment, can't buy ammo mail order, got to go to local store where your purchase is taxed and registered in a book. Commiefornia's "approved" weapons list, the bullet button, and other restrictive crappla.
How can there be a compromise between those who want the rules (amendment) to mean what they say and those who don't?

We've added and subtracted rules and controls for almost all of the original amendments through out American history, including adding and subtracting new amendments outside of the original 10. This evolution of the US Constitution will continue until the fundamentals do not work anymore (as shown in all societies throughout human history).

Some examples
1) Defamation, Libel - You can't just say whatever you want. Should this right have been extended to expenditure of money on political speech?

2) Can you own a SAM launcher or any other explosive military device. There are plenty of arms we can't have currently

4 - 6) Patriot Act anyone? Thanks Conservatives.

17) Not a big fan,

18) Prohibition - it came and went.

What about FDRs second bill of rights he proposed to help us out with the whole pursuit of happiness thing

Do you consider yourself an avid constitutionalist? Or do you only care about the strict interpretation of #1 and #2?
Damn, is there an echo in here?

Echo chambers are what is wrong with America.

The echo chamber mentaility is rampant on both sides, but probably more so on the right.

I find discussions with people whom I share an opinion to be boring. It's tough to learn anything in an echo chamber.

Squaking into an echo chamber won't do much good, ya gotta hit the battle field and play smart.

Go back to your echo chamber then.

The point of many of these sub-forums is discussion. Echo chambers are boring

Echo chambers are boring as ****....if your sensibilities aren't as tender as a tofu sandwich.

Hardly. Why do you think I'm here? I hate echo chambers.
This is the best compromise I've found:


They want gun owners to agree to Swiss style universal background checks which will only work if all guns are registered, risk protection orders( which is a no as long as they can be done ex parte) and considering bump stock a machine gun. in return they will let gun owners have suppressors, any length barrels and national reciprocity.

We already have suppressors and any length barrels and national reciprocity is a Constitutional right. My 1st, 4th 5th or any other amendment right does not change crossing state lines why does my second?
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