Divorce Sucks

Dang man. Divorced my first when I was in my twenties. Thought my world was over.
But then again it left me free to meet my forever wife, my fantasy dream goddess, and my absolute best friend. 34 years now.
whats his name?:boink:

humor makes everything better......


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Done told everyone that I'd give my 1st wife as long as she needed, to completely fill Sanford Stadium, and I'd kiss her ass right smack on the brown eye in front of all of 'em. Then I'd thank her for cutting me loose to have a better life with a different wife. TRUTH.
It took me two divorces to finally figure out that happiness and well being is not found in a relationship. Good, patient women that stand by you no matter what are almost non existent these days. Seek happiness in the love of God and his promise. The Bible says " Do not get caught up in the search for love and money but be content in what God has given you. ".

After my first relationship in high school she flat out broke me. I never loved like that again. What doesn't break you only makes you stronger. It's just a test.
I know it's hard. I was not trying to make light of your situation. It will make you stronger and these days women think husbands are disposable for a better one. She thinks the grass is greener so to speak. She will find out that all she did is swap one set of perceived problems for another set and possibly worse ones. Hang in there buddy and you will come out of it a better man.
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