Charlie Rangel Found Guilty on 11 of 13 Ethics Violations


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The Hen that laid the Golden Legos
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Jun 29, 2010
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Yes, the irony runs strong in this one. Too bad they didn't have enough evidence to convict on the last two or a slew of other violations.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy...

Ironic that Rangel is complaining about a lack of due process rights at the same time he's part of a charge to deny millions of Americans their right to due process. Apparently rights only apply to folks like Rangel. Of course, it's not the only time in recent days he's made it apparent he believes he's better than you.
It's a scary thing when you think about how many people vote for these idiots and the moral state of the constituents that keep putting these jack wagons back in office year after year.:doh:
now only about 520 more to go...not that this will knock him out of office...probably a letter of reprimand or real punishment...
The system is broken. I wish the 2 party state would fall to pieces and be replaced by something more honest. Political office shouldn't be a life long career.

wasn't meant to be a career...unfortunately the founders didn't see this one were supposed to serve for a while and go back to the farm...only way we get out of this is term-limits for congress...not going to happen without a convention of states...
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