Can someone

Yes, the cards can be easily made but the information behind them can't. Faking a vaccine card requires someone to fake the HHS and CDC government seals. Which can be easily accomplished. But that alone carries a penalty of five years in prison. Not to mention any additional charges that could be tacked on. You'd also need to know which lot corresponds to what date.

Now, will restaurants or stores check that closely? No. But if it looks suspicious, I wouldn't put it past them to call the cops.
My wife knows all the numbers and codes that need to be on it but not what paper. Get a blank and we’ll give it a try. :thumb:

Card-stock paper

The numbers and codes aren't difficult. But she'd need to know which lot corresponds with the proper dates and identifier number. It's just which maker and a lot number. Example: PFizer EW0170
Handwritten, with name and date of birth filled out by you, and everything in the 1st/2nd dose lines filled in by someone other than you (like your wife or girlfriend or other qualified medical person or impersonator).

Clinic site is CVS followed by store number, ala "CVS 1234." Product Name/Manufacturer is "Pfizer Covid 19." Lot Number can be ER or EW followed by a 4 digit number ("ER 1234"). Of course, this information is on file, so if someone takes the time to verify your card, you're screwed. If you just need it to get into the strip club, you're probably fine.

It's thick paper about the thickness of construction paper. If you laminate it, thickness won't be a concern because no one can tell at that point.

1. it's on card-stock paper

2. The lot numbers correspond with dates. It's not public info but the CDC issues instructions to businesses on how to identify fakes. So if you put the wrong lot number, they will know. For example: For July, the lot may be RT followed by a 4 digit identifier between 2000 and 8000. So if you put EW 0170, they'll know.

3. Laminating is a dead giveaway. Real recipients are expressly told not to laminate them. Doing so voids the card.
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