Be with them till the end

I didn't keep a dog for over 20 years and I'm sorry I didn't. I picked this one up at the pound and she was pitiful looking at the time, but so sweet and happy to be petted in the cage at the Macon/Bibb Animal Shelter, I couldn't leave her there. She's about 5 & 1/2 now and I hope to have many more years with her. I know you're not supposed to anthropomorphize pets but damn. What else can you do when you see how joyful they are after a short separation and when they look at you with those piercing eyes. I don't know if they "love" or not, but I'm going to continue to believe they do. I know I love my dog and love having her with me. I'll dread the day when I have to say goodbye so I don't think of it too often, other than these threads and others.

We lost one of our cats, our giant-sized man-cat named Jack. I held him in my arms as the vet gave him the shot, and felt him go. I cried like a little girl. I can't imagine the day when I'll have to hold my pup like that. I hope it's a long, long time from now.
They are our family, sometimes more so.
When it was my pups time almost a year ago, I made sure the last thing he felt was love surrounding him. I was with him as he passed, as hard as it was to watch the last breath, I was there holding him. Some, if not most, animals are more loyal than we could ever be. It's only right they cross over with dignity and love.
We lost one of our cats, our giant-sized man-cat named Jack. I held him in my arms as the vet gave him the shot, and felt him go. I cried like a little girl. I can't imagine the day when I'll have to hold my pup like that. I hope it's a long, long time from now.
They are our family, sometimes more so.
More man..... more.
I have held many as the vets shot took effect, held quite a few as they passed unexpectedly at home, and I have had to put a few down myself...its never easy or pleasant. The saddest one, and one that hit the hardest was a female Dachshund about 15 years ago. She was acting puny the night before and we decided the ex would take her to our vet first thing next morning. As I left for work about 630 I scratched her back foot and told her Doc would make her feel better and we would play tonight. She jerked her foot and thumped my hand like she always did but didnt wag her tail or look around at me like she usually did. Ex called me at 8 crying. She got up and got ready and the little fur face had passed sometime after I left. I cried the rest of the day. Should have gotten her up and loved on her before I left, but I was in a hurry. That one still gets to me, and I swear I see her waiting outside the shower door sometimes...waiting to like my wet ankles like she liked to do. I miss them all in one way or another, some leave deeper tracks I guess.

Looking at my 17 year old deaf, mostly blind, and very confused since we moved, old man in the floor sleeping. He isnt handling the move well especially since his girlfriend passed the week before the move. I know his time is soon....and Lord I dread it!
Fat Albert died peacefully in my arms, and sadly, but hopefully many years from now Thor will go the same way. I'll recover and get another dog, then the one after that will probably be the one that sees me go to the other side.

I've not lived the best life, but when I die I'm sure people will talk about how close I was too, and how well I treated my four legged best friends along the way.
Read: A Man Dies And Tries to Go To Heaven With His Dog. You'll have to Google it. Is worth your dog loving time & effort.
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