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  1. They’re watching…

    You mean they’re not???
  2. Dead ‘Alien’ Found In Bolivian Town

    I think I dated her in high school.
  3. Secret NASA has done alien autopsies

    Sandia labs at Kirkland AFB is extremely secure and if you work there you’re not allowed to disclose anything that goes on inside the labs. My first wife worked there for two years and I couldn’t get her to tell **** about what went on in there and I had a top secret security clearance. If what...
  4. UFO

  5. Mass psychosis

    Damn if that didn’t explain the plight of our country. What’s sad is there’s almost nothing we can do about all the people who have their heads in the sand.
  6. Do you believe Bigfoot is real? (Poll)

    YES, absolutely Bigfoot is most definitely real. I was married to her sister.
  7. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

  8. No way this is it?

    Don’t be skurd......Bwahahahahaha!!!!!
  9. Navy Pilots chase UFO!?

    Wouldn’t it be funny if life on earth started off as a penal colony from space kind of like Australia.
  10. How many of y'all think osama bin laden is dead

    He’s probably selling gas somewhere in Arizona.
  11. Can I get a...

  12. Ready for this?

    I wonder if we're still gonna have Pop-tarts. I sure hope so.
  13. It's the end of the world.....

    You forgot youranus.......
  14. It's the end of the world.....

    Fire sale at the Obama presidential library......both books, $10.00
  15. It's the end of the world.....

  16. It's the end of the world.....

    Holy crap, I've gotta get more dog food..................... .....................need more toilet paper tooooooooooooooooooooooo
  17. Not scary at all: Coming soon to a battlefield near you

    But can it pee standing up????????????????????????????
  18. Jiffy peanut butter

  19. The Aliens are coming.......?

    Coming??? I thought they were already here.
  20. so a federal officer shot himself in the head and left a note with the plans of the fed-gov

    yeah.........good luck with that ****. come and get them!!!
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