Every boomer on outdoors trader

I’m not really worried about the gen z,x or whatever confrontation but no one puts me on guard like an illegal looking mf’er especially several together. It seems every day someone is attacked by one of these gangs or individuals. It’s happening in the bigger cities now but don’t think it won’t come to smaller towns or suburbs. Fighting age men are allowed to just walk right across the border and some now spotted with ankle monitors, seems other countries are emptying their jails and getting fake green cards! Looks like the next big “confrontation “ will be in this country. FJB , I put this squarely on him!
I don't understand why my grandson doesn't just buy a house. My friend Bob offered him a job that starts at $13 an hour! That's about 8x what I made when I was his age working at the steel mill.

Kids are so lazy these days 🙄


US Army '87-'89 - "Bullets don't fly without supply!"
Looking for a S&W 686 must be mint condition please message me if you have one I'll pay top dollar ($270 limit)
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