Shower thoughts on Universal Background Checks

So, I noticed that someone said they fingerprint you every time you renew your carry license, my county does not, once you have been fingerprinted it's in the system. So my renewal was only $30.00. In my opinion, it's worth that not to put your social security number on papers when you purchase a gun and not to mention the possible wait 3 days to pick up your weapon you really wanted and haven't found anywhere else,especially if you're in a different part of the State and would have to drive back to get it. For the record, I don't have a problem showing my matching GDL & GWL to anyone, but no taking pictures of them. I do draw a line on that. If you don't want to show your WCL then move on, as been said, but don't bitch about others just because YOU think it's wrong.
So, I noticed that someone said they fingerprint you every time you renew your carry license, my county does not, once you have been fingerprinted it's in the system. So my renewal was only $30.00. In my opinion, it's worth that not to put your social security number on papers when you purchase a gun and not to mention the possible wait 3 days to pick up your weapon you really wanted and haven't found anywhere else,especially if you're in a different part of the State and would have to drive back to get it. For the record, I don't have a problem showing my matching GDL & GWL to anyone, but no taking pictures of them. I do draw a line on that. If you don't want to show your WCL then move on, as been said, but don't bitch about others just because YOU think it's wrong.
I understood the same thing about the fingerprinting, BUT, if you let your WCL lapse (you don't get it renewed before it expires) I think you have to go through the whole process again...
My point is this; if we the gun community refuse to engage in private transactions without proof of government background check, then why do the calls for universal background checks cause such uproar in our group?
Don't fool yourself. The junior FFL crowd is FAR more comfortable with UBCs than not. Regardless of what they claim. Like the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words.
At the risk of making the "law 'n order" and junior FFL wannabe's heads explode, what if we just allowed people to exercise their constitutionally guaranteed rights and purchase firearms ANYWHERE without a 4473 OR a GWL? How about that?

I'd vote for that. Hell I'd volunteer to campaign for it.

If you do not "need" a permit for carrying, why do you need a permit or a declaration of eligibility for buying it?
Crazy talk from someone who clearly hates the children. :tsk:
I'd have no interest in asking or requiring to see a WCL now that we have permitless carry.

I might - if I haven't had much interaction with the buyer on here - ask for them to flash their drivers' license - just so I can satisfy myself that they are a current GA resident. Beyond that I'd put language in the posting to the effect that you - as buyer - are confirming that you are permitted to purchase and posess a firearm in GA. If you're lying - I'm not a mind-reader, but I've at least addressed the issue - in case I get contacted by the cops.

And that'd be it. It's as much diligence as I think I need. I certainly shouldn't be able to demand more.

Bear in mind that organizing the purchase on ODT means that as the buyer, you're 'on record' and identifiable anyway.
So, I noticed that someone said they fingerprint you every time you renew your carry license, my county does not, once you have been fingerprinted it's in the system. So my renewal was only $30.00. In my opinion, it's worth that not to put your social security number on papers when you purchase a gun and not to mention the possible wait 3 days to pick up your weapon you really wanted and haven't found anywhere else,especially if you're in a different part of the State and would have to drive back to get it. For the record, I don't have a problem showing my matching GDL & GWL to anyone, but no taking pictures of them. I do draw a line on that. If you don't want to show your WCL then move on, as been said, but don't bitch about others just because YOU think it's wrong.
Your grade school English teacher would be so disappointed in that run-on third sentence.
I agree with that perspective on UBC as a path to firearm registry.

My thoughts are that it might be very easy for an enterprising government to convert lists of WCL holders into a defacto list of ardent weapon owners. So should we as private sellers in the gun community advocate for evidence of background checks before a sale?

I totally get Ken Fords point. I lock the doors on my empty, near worthless truck to deter the lazy/opportunistic criminal. I don't think I would install government low jacks (if offered) to prevent a theft of my truck.

Thanks for the input.
This is a valid point, that a WCL is already a voluntary "registration" of sorts. However, it does not tell anyone what or how many I own. If they start banging on the doors of WCL holders it will make the news, and give the remaining people time to make decisions. The most popular one I hear is "I'm going to bury mine". So a person could decide to bury some of them and surrender others. The wisdom of this choice is best explored in another post.

However, anyone interested in disarming the population is likely aware of this strategy as well; therefore they are much more likely to first require a registration to begin compiling the complete list of firearms in circulation. This is the necessary 2nd step after universal background checks. So the plan would be:

1: "Common sense" universal background checks.
2: The UBC didn't work, so we need "common sense" universal registration.
3: We clearly need to ban "Assault Weapons", and don't try to hide them because we know who you are.
4: Dang, people are still killing each other, so we need to ban all guns.
5: Too many people using "Assault Knives", so let's ban knives you can open with one hand and blades over 3" long.
6: You got raped because your assailant was bigger and stronger than you? Maybe we need more midnight basketball camps.
7: We need infrastructure projects, but we're out of money. You're clearly a criminal because you used to own a gun. Here's your 'tenner' in the work camp gulag. Don't try to flee, we'll only track you using those Flock license plate readers.

"War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength"
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