zombie setup

1. Winchester 1300 Defender 12 gauge. Every team needs a shotgun man.

2. Molotov Cocktails. Virtually free, terrifying, painful, fatal. Effective against zombies, Communists, vehicles, structures, forests, crops and industry.

3. Cold Steel War Hammer. Known to be effective against all helmets and body armor since the 13th century. Smashes zombie's skulls with total reliability.

4. Fire Engine, class 1 pumper, preferably Pierce. Reliable, fast, weighs 55,000 lbs, carries 500-1000 gallons of water. Water can be used for drinking, or can be lethal when pumped through a master stream with a smoothbore nozzle.

5. Skull smash with war hammer.

6. Arson.

7. Wheel Man/EMT. I am government trained to do this, and have honed these skills in the ghettos of Clayton County.

8. Fire Helmet, Kevlar vest, BDU pants, Rocky Paratrooper boots, bare arms covered in tattoos.
Main weapon my Keltec RFB
2. Secondard Weapon My Keltec PLR 16
3. Samurai sword
4. army humvee, runs off any fuel! go off road!
5. finishing move cut off the zombies head like Mitsurugi from soul calibur!
6.skill My groups r tight with rifle or pistol.
7. admin skill= mechanics and computers.
8. gear set up is Tac pants, non slip work boots, green army bag to tote stuff, Shark mesh armor, marine throat gaurd. kevlar ninja mask.
1. my main weapon would be silenced glock 21
2. secondary weapon would be a glock 27 ( were not only fighting zombies in a zombie outbreak... there are always non-infected threats)
3.melea weapon would be a kantana
4. vehicle would be a bicycle... need to be quiet
5. finishing move would be shooting out both knee caps and kicking the forehead backwards breaking the neck (anyone see it in Expendables?)
6. weapon skill would be blades and silent kills. maybe ill carry a cross bow
7. Administrative skill would be leadership and orginizer. plan maker of sorts
8. Gear set up would include tight clothing, kevlar, steel toes, mostly black clothing and camo.
An A-10 Warthog.

Just think what that cannon and some Napalm would do to the zombie horde.

Just give me a call and then pop smoke when you need air support.
1. AK-47 with a co-witnessed Aimpoint. Why? WOLVERINE!!! That's why.
2. Dual S&W M&P9s, b/c 9mm is everywhere.
3. I like the lightsabre idea, but if we're keeping to existing weapons, a broadsword would be fun to swing at zombies, or communists...I'm not picky.
4. Bradley Fighting Vehicle. I could get my bro-in-law to drive it for me. No zombies getting in there!
5. Some sort of fancy decapitation move with the sword.
6. One shot, one kill ability.
7. Definitely medical
8. A Bat-suit. Those things have all sorts of neat gadgets in them.

Cool thread.
1. main weapon: AR15 style .22 with mounted ACOG scope with a mounted flashlight underneath (plus a few extra mags and silencer)
2. secondary weapon: Two .22 pistols with high-cap mags (plus a few extra mags for each as well as silencers)
3. melee weapon: Preferably diamond bladed edged katana made out of carbon steel using Riddick's swords as close combat back-up
4. vehicle: Conquest Knight XV
5. finishing move: Decapitation (or curb-stomp if applicable)
6. weapon skill: Stealthy and thoughtful
7. administrative skill: "Handyman" able to craft own weapons and fix vehicles, etc.
8. gear setup: Black with some bright orange hunting clothes for others to locate me. 5.11 tac pants with steel toed combat boots. Underarmour shirt with tac-vest (full of goodies and ammo) light duty belt with mag holsters all around. Outer thigh holsters for my pistols and shoulder sling for the rifle. Baseball cap with a "cap-light" - Top off with a duffel bag full of ammo and other goodies as well as some food/water (twinkies anyone)

This isn't to say if I see a shotgun (or other firearm) laying around I wouldn't grab it and expend the ammo in it before using my primary or secondary weapons.
this is a badass thread....
1. main weapon: AA12 fully auto shotgun with drum mag and exploding rounds...
2. secondary: The gun Han Solo carries (blaster)
3. melee weapon:magic bowstaff (im thinking its on fire all the time)
4. vehicle: airwolf
5. finishing move: easy! I whirl my bowstaff around in a circle skywards...after a short time a firey tornado develops...Then a dragon pops out of the tornado blasts the tango with fire and then eats him.
6. Admin skill: Im real good with the ladies!
7. Gear setup...Hmm this ones tough..since im so badass in all the other ways im thinking dressing grey man like blue jeans and a tee shirt...NAH! ok how bout the hydra armor that Kratos wears in God of war....Ill post a pic Too funny!!!Great thread!!!
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