You're not going to believe what I was told at the LGS

There are dealers who still call NICS for BGCs rather than go online and do it.

The only reason I have a fax is because of the dealers who cannot email their FFL to me or can't open an attachment to view mine.

So I'm not surprised at all.
There some LGS that still call in nics even if you have a permit lol.
As long as the dealer has all the needed info and the pdf file is the correct size for eform upload I can't see why it would take a dealer longer then 15 minutes to go from start to finish. When your done you can even go back in and print off the "submitted" form for your/customer records.

Now on a side not the Eforms system is VERY spotty at times. When it's working good you can breeze right through it however there are days where the system will be down for hours at a time or just not want to cooperate with uploads.
Ive done 3 since 11AM so far. 2 more to go before the NOON maintenance down time.

Mk18s are getting out there more, but they have always been available at normal markup/MAP. The dealer cost on them has remained the same.
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