Would you take a job for less money than you make currently

If the lower paying job could potentially have less stress

But will have less travel, less commute, and more career mobility down the road?


Time at home is important..... Too much time commuting and/or traveling really starts sucking after a while.
Did it 6 years ago.

Never been happier and more clear thinking in my life.

Having no debt or kids helps a lot.

Everything is a choice, even the decision to have curtain climbers.
If you can afford it yea. Stress isn't fun and if you have a chance on moving up, id consider it. I have a great job with a good company the only downside is that work is slow so im making much less than I did last year.
I worked in high stress job for 8 years. The last 2 years, I absolutely hated it. I felt like crap everyday even if I wasn't at work. If I stayed in that position, no doubt it would have ruined my family and send me to an early grave. If you're talking about that kind of stress, I personally would GTFO if you have another job in line. Plus less commute is always good.
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