Worst book you had to read in school?

I ignored beowulf.. ended up having to bull sh__ my way thru the essay in English..I failed dramatically. I guess I should read it. ..that caused me problems I didn't expect. I had straight A's, and beowulf was in final semester of high school. was told grade point averages wouldn't include final semester..I put two and two together and came up with.."hell, why try?". What they didn't tell me, was the grades were sent to the University I had been accepted to.. my grades plummeted final semester, but I still graduated Honors..BUT..now Indiana University sees a major drop in grades and suspects I've freaked out or got on drugs and was summoned to the school for a re-interview to explain. Pops was pissed. They let me in, but was on academic probation..with a 4.0 GPA! that and father having to pay for two plane tickets to do an interview that really never needed to be done.. was not comfortable in the house that final summer. Damnsssss You Beowulf!!! Damns you to hell!!!
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