Wife baked me a chocolate pie today

Birthday pie (I didnt want a cake)
When I was first starting out as a private label food broker, my mentor and manager, Dewayne Yates (from Alabama) was explaining the concept of cross merchandising to me while we were standing in front of cake mix section at a Bi-Lo store we were helping to reset. Some joker from Keebler had placed the pie shells rack in the middle of the cake mix and decorating section. Dewayne explained it like this (in Alabama drawl), "Well you see, the Keebler man....he's thinking to draw new impulse customers to his pie shells by putting them in the middle of the cake mix section. See....he's thinking little Johnny's mother, who is about to make a birthday cake for her little boy, will instead see this here pie shell display rack and think to herself, "Why....a pie! I'll make little Johnny a Birthday Pie!" Then he busted out laughing, the Keebler rep got all pissy and stalked off. That first merchandising "lesson" has stuck with me for 33 years.
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