
Since we're remembering atrocities where civilians were murdered, how about this date: August 6th.

Paint yourselves red white and blue all you want, it won't change a thing, but you get the satisfaction of being "right", which is whats really important in this type of argument.

Remember that saying "the burden of proof is on the prosecution?" Do you understand why it is worded the way it is? "Proof" is a mechanism for conviction.
We certainly proved that some crazy Muslim guys organized by guys WE helped train and arm- Crashed 3 planes into 3 structures destroying 4 multibillion dollar pieces of property. That's pretty well established fact, even amongst most "truthers". We acquired proof, even got a confession from the guys who crashed those planes- then we convicted them and basically sentenced them to death. So in all reality to MOST people, that's all the proof they need concerning 9?11

All of the odd occurrences, the insurance, the taxes, the missing bullion, the building a block away that collapsed AFTER it was announced it had collapsed, Pentagon officials with impeccable timing... There's PROOF of that stuff too, some of it is more damning evidence than that with which we convicted the savages.

To call our leadership out has nothing to do with self serving. What does one get in return for doing research and reading and commenting other than having to dona flamesuit when the "real" patriots show up to tell them their tin foil is on too tight?
You're not a bad guy for asking, you're a bad guy for standing on a tragedy and propping yourself up as somehow more of a patriot because you "buck the establishment" and "question the man" - I agree that there are a lot of things that took place on that day that seem odd....however, I also believe that Occam's Razor still holds true....and at the end of the day, I don't feel that my beliefs on this matter are worth diverting attention from the memory of the dead whereas you apparently feel that yours are.

Okay turbo, cool your "better than you" jets. I never said ****. You or someone of the same opinion started a thread saying they could "debunk everything."
I never mentioned bucking the establishment or questioning the man. In fact, 9/11 was the direct cause for me to join active duty military service. So you could say that I joined the man.

So who the **** are you to tell me I am a bad guy. That day caused me to join the **** up. Put on the uniform. I ran until I passed out. I literally drowned myself. I went over a month without sleep in Iraq.
This thread isn't about me though.
It's about truth, and how it hurts some people's feelings because it isn't convenient.
Argue all you want, but don't call me or anyone else a bad guy. Ass.
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