Why are these BCGs different?

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Apr 28, 2014
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Banks County

Why are these BCGs different? They're both Colts. The one I the left is from an old non-Colt upper that I acquired. The one on the right is from a Colt M4.
Right one - Clinton ban era design - not able to run autosear or lightning link
Left on - Clinton ban era design - not able to run autosear but maybe lightning link
Both are lighter weight and can have bolt bounce. My old Colts have Colt H buffers in them to help correct this.
The one on the right is the half moon/circle BCG. They were on the Colt guns that had the sear block to keep you from going all blasty...
They're both neutered semi only bolt carriers. Although I've never seen one like the one on the right. Not surprising though since I've never owned a Colt AR and probably never will due to the prices people think they're worth. But the one on the right reminds me of the Sporter ARs Colt made in the early 90s. They had a block installed in the rear part of the trigger group area to prevent installation of an auto sear. Come to think of it that one BCG on the right may have come from the same model I'm talking about. Colt did some stupid preventative measure stuff like that in the 80s and 90s when they didn't have to and other manufacturers never did. It's like they were sucking up to the gubment that was never gonna like them to begin with.
Right one - Clinton ban era design - not able to run autosear or lightning link
Left on - Clinton ban era design - not able to run autosear but maybe lightning link
Both are lighter weight and can have bolt bounce. My old Colts have Colt H buffers in them to help correct this.

The one on the right is the half moon/circle BCG. They were on the Colt guns that had the sear block to keep you from going all blasty...
^^^^This x2
Gentlemen, thank you for educating me. The one on the right is from a mid-2000 M4. I think the left one predates Clinton but I tried to put that time period out of my mind!

What are current Colts like?
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