White boys and football! Go GEORGIA!

You are a poet sir! I am amazed at what the word(white) , does to people!
My post wasn’t to promote anything other my support for a couple of (white) guys!
So the hater’s are everywhere, every color, every sex, every size.
I am indifferent myself and don't even think about it unless shoved into my face.
I think he is just tired and worn out.

While most red-neck honkies do not "hate" any of them, Many have grown weary of being accused of being responsible for every thing that has ever gone wrong for them over the last 600 years.

"two entire generations of fretting, fussing, whining, nagging, shaming, affirmative action, contracting set-asides; two generations of jobs programs, food programs, housing programs, billion-dollar overhauls of school systems where success is assured by lowering academic standards. Two generations of pushing role models in media entertainment, black doctors, black actors playing God. How about TV commercials? Fifty years of Martin Luther King Days, Black History Months, and Kwanzaas. Fifty years of black mayors (some convicted felons), black police chiefs, a black Attorney General, a half-black President."

One does not have to hate anyone to get tired of this.....
and think about it, have they ****in progressed at all? NOPE
That's as ignorant as saying there's only one species of dog (canine).
Any attempt to identify any subspecies of canines is
logically unfounded,
scientifically invalid,
culturally insensitive,
morally questionable,
and racist.

Ummm, I meant speciesist.
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