Where do you get your online news?

I’m tired of Fox and now they want an email address before seeing most articles.
Where is a reliable on-line source. I know there are some here that are glued to CNN, but I need real news.
Back pages doesn’t count either.
Backpage? Well since that site isn't around anymore I get my news from SkipTheGames.
I read many news sources from around the globe on a daily basis and then try to ascertain whatever truth I can from between the lines of propaganda and manipulation.
I use the World Newspaper app for overseas views, Zero Hedge, BBC, Sky News, Breitbart, Town Hall, Red State, The Christian Post, The Jerusalem Post, National review, The American Thinker and others too numerous to list here.
I try to avoid total propaganda news and don't even waste my time on the alphabet networks.
I don't sleep much so the first hour of my mornings is usually spent perusing the news to determine whether or not the world's ending today in which case there's no need to leave the house.
I read our local newspaper that comes out on Thursdays about once a month! Couple friends mention stuff they read on Webb. Andrew Clyde sends me something about twice a month, the rest I get from here!
You must be very happy. When I only see the local news and stay away from all other news sources, I'm much happier!!
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