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When I say MERRY CHRISTMAS and you say it's Happy Holidays

One of the best Christmases I spent during the height of the "Happy Holidays" mania was in Hong Kong. Christmas trees and decorations everywhere! People saying Merry Christmas without thought of who they might be "offending". On another note, I've got lots of Jewish friends who wish me Merry Christmas. They also wish me Happy Hanukkah. I don't celebrate Hanukkah but I certainly want to have a happy one! My family does not traditionally celebrate Thanksgiving either. Native American duh! But I still wish others a Happy Thanksgiving and am not offended when others wish me a Happy Thanksgiving. Before I catch hell I do love this country and am proud to be an American but I also respect my elders and my heritage. Hope you all feel the same
Xmas drives me crazy also—— it’s CHRISTMAS——don’t leave CHRIST out of it.——he’s the reason for the season
Actually the 25th of December isn’t the actual date for the birth of Christ. The initial Roman Christian church had to inter mix a lot of pagan holidays (I.e. the winter solstice which is the 25th of December) and Christian holidays to make the transition from the national religion of paganism to Christianity. So no the reason for the season is the fact that the earths poles have reached their maximum level of tilt away from the sun, oh and commercialism can’t forget that.

Merry Christmas!!!
I've never understood the offense, honestly. I've been a Christian for nearly four decades now and have never once been bothered by anyone saying "Happy Holidays." It's all encompassing. Saying "Happy Holidays" is literally acknowledging Christmas. It also covers the gamut should one be something other than Christian and celebrate other holidays. There is literally not a "war on Christmas." It's ridiculous.
For me I always took it as Merry Christmas and happy new year. It wasn’t until I found out I was supposed to be offended that I realized it may include other holidays from other religions.
I understand why Christians say they get upset because the world wants to take Christ out of Christmas. I would be more upset about Christians taking Christ out of their life. Jesus said the world wasn’t going to accept him and we should not be surprised. Don’t worry folks Jesus is bigger than a holiday. We as Christiania can celebrate his birth and we should. Jesus also taught us to love one another and we aren’t helping anyone see the love of Christ by being ugly to them because they aren’t celebrating a Jesus we are not representing
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