What's the story behind your screen name?

Screen name because I usually wander around like a lost child.
Avatar because wife and daughter nicknamed me due to my ability to look at any situation and immediately see the worst possible outcome.
"Paranoia is perfect awareness"
Screen name because I usually wander around like a lost child.
Avatar because wife and daughter nicknamed me due to my ability to look at any situation and immediately see the worst possible outcome.
"Paranoia is perfect awareness"

My family thinks I'm a pessimist, but I call myself a realist. I see things for what they are, black or white, no grey areas. I don't sugar coat anything.
Screen name because I usually wander around like a lost child.
Avatar because wife and daughter nicknamed me due to my ability to look at any situation and immediately see the worst possible outcome.
"Paranoia is perfect awareness"

I like that!
When I do it my wife calls it "Catastrophic Thinking", lol.
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