What's the difference?

I never paid much attention to it until I got one that was waaay out. That got frustrating fast. It might as well have been a single shot as far as being able to hit with the O barrel.
i can imagine.

Never had that problem, but I understand that having the choke threads not centered can cause that,
I never paid much attention to it until I got one that was waaay out. That got frustrating fast. It might as well have been a single shot as far as being able to hit with the O barrel.

Barrel Regulation is as much an Art as it is a Science--FWIW, ANYBODY can put out a Lemon in that department once in a while--One of the best American-style Trapshooters in the country changed equipment several years ago when Perazzi would NOT correct the obviously-faulty regulation of his new, high-dollar Trap Combo under warranty...

As far as reasonably-priced Over/Unders go, the Japanese-made Browning Citoris seem to be most consistent as far as having correct barrel regulation out of the box, with the 600-series Berettas generally pretty good, but ol' Pietro, et.al. put out the occasional STINKER in that regard and getting them to fix it is like pulling Hen's teeth...

I have had four or five Remington 3200's over the years, and their Barrel Regulation was spot-on, as were the three or four older Winchester 101's I've had. 'Course, the several Citoris I've had were good in that regard, as were the two Beretta 680-series O/U's I've owned--Can't speak to anything more expensive, as I've never owned a K-Gun or Perazzi--Never saw the need, frankly, as my 3200's and 1100's got me an All-America Team Patch, several All-State Team Patches and a coupla' placements on the year-end High Average Leader list over the years...
What about a judge?

If you ever patterned any of the .410 "Defense Loads" that are available, you would never consider a Judge/Governor/Terminator/whatever else they call 'em--Purely a MARKETING GIMMICK IMO, albeit a pretty successful one...
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but there is NOTHING more VERSATILE than a GOOD Shotgun...
As regard to home defense, I consider a handgun to be a temporary measure until I can get to one of my shotguns. At the distances in a home situation, nothing at all has the defensive value of a shotgun in the hands of someone reasonably trained in it's use.
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