what should I spend $100 on to make my life better?

@emptyMAGS sounds fun but the true cost is half my **** forever, so that's not a good value.

@GFB I have a grill, smoker, blackstone, camp grills, and travel grills. Along with the fancy thermometers and stuff.

Dice Dice link?

wolfmanrogers wolfmanrogers do you have a brand you suggest? I've never owned wool socks but have read this before.

@BDR1 where do you swipe the card?

@trw2094 agreed. I have ~6 months worth of normal food for my family, a year+ if we ration. Pretty good there.
Look at point6 and Smartwool. Both are great, and they are more comfortable than Darn Tough.
A standing rib roast. Olive oil, salt, pepper, rosemary, and garlic and bake under a foil tent. Till internal tent hits the degree you like it cooked. DELICIOUS! The bark will change you life. However, if you don't tithe the give to someone needy.
I've always been able to tell by the janky assed appearance of those mags that they are crapola.
Red ball mags area money wasted. Period. waste of money......The 10 round high point mags that come with the carbines work pretty good. I would not take a high point into a fox hole unless I had no other weapon. If high point used glock mags and had a decent trigger they would boost their sales by millions.
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