Veterans Day November 11th 2021

Happy Veteran's Day -- to all those who served in our military in any capacity anywhere in the world or stateside.

Today's news reports on a couple of events where politicians are giving speeches at cemeteries --- in my opinion further blurring the lines between Memorial Day and Veterans Day

I'm convinced that the liberal media wants America to forget what each holiday is for so that we can all change the holidays around willy-nilly to fit whatever cause is currently in vogue.
(One day perhaps November 11 will be known as gay servicemembers pride day; the powers that be just have to change it incrementally, one bit of misinformation at a time.)
To all of our veterans, combat or not, but especially those who came before me, thank you for your willingness to serve and sacrifice. I’m honored and humbled to call myself a US Army soldier.

Thank you and all of our brothers that also served.

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