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Tipping: I can't be the only one, right?

As a general rule...no tipping when I have to walk inside to get my food. No on tipping plumbers, electricians, etc, either.

If I "Like" your post will I get a tip??? :behindsofa:
Getting ready to tip the pizza guy 7 bucks for a delivery. I don't like for drivers and wait staff to mess with my food.
I have trust issues. So I am polite and tip.
I remember when I worked in a pizza joint the delivery drivers would leave notes in the computer under your address for other drivers to see about how you tipped and the poor tippers always got delivered last or after their break

Even the people answering the phones would leave notes if you were a dick....

Edited to add:
The good tippers always got their pizzas first, they would note the best tippers in the computer too.
Any more than our government is a democracy.
Just because our economy has some elements of capitalism doesn't mean it is capitalism. Our economy also has elements (increasingly) of socialism.

Maybe it's becoming Socialistic Capitalism.:frown:
I'd argue we've become way more socialist now than capitalist. They literally issue you a socialist security card at birth, and the number on that card will regulate/dictate everything you do in the economy.

The only way to enjoy capitalism in our economy is to participate in the economy illegally.

To tie it in to the OP, I've noticed self employed people are much more likely to leave large cash tips for service because we get it, we hope the waitress puts it right in her pocket and that's that. It's the last little taste of pure capitalism that is normalized anymore.

Rarely do I use door dash or Uber or anything like that, but when I do I always leave a small tip through the service and a healthy cash tip if they are punctual.
I look at it this way; if the restaurant owners had to pay the wait staff a decent hourly wage they would just pass the cost on to the consumer and it would make it too expensive to eat their. I would gladly prefer to slip the waitress/waiter a decent tip. You still come out cheaper in the long run. A least you are only subsidizing one persons wages instead of a restaurant full.
I absolutely refuse to tip anyone, anywhere other than the wait staff at a restaurant. And I honestly don't even like doing it there. "Tipping" is a public subsidy. The federal government allows restaurateurs to pay wait staff less than minimum wage and we subsidize the rest of their pay. It's not about honoring work ethic or about showing off. It's 100% a reminder that the federal government is OK with people being paid less than they should because they can get us to cover the difference in tips....which then becomes taxed twice. Once when I got it and again when I give it as a tip. The whole thing pisses me off.

And so now hair dressers want a tip? Uber drivers? Lawn care guys? The girl behind the register at Moe's? Uh, no...kick rocks, nerds.

I heard Marc Arum doing a whole show on this the other day and it just drove me crazy. People were calling in talking about how they tip tow truck drivers and plumbers and all manner of ridiculousness. Why on Earth would I "tip" a plumber? You fixed the pooper. I paid you. Pound sand. I'm not giving you a tip.

Please tell me I'm not alone on this. :ranger:
I'm with you. I only tip where it is customary , old school , to do so.
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