This year's gun bill...

Poor Gov. Deal must be PO'd. Now he's gotta decision to make...

Nope he has already made it:

Second Amendment

Governor Deal is an unwavering supporter of our Second Amendment rights. As a congressman, Deal consistently received an ‘A’ rating from the NRA.

“His constant and unapologetic support for gun rights… demonstrates a strong commitment to the rights of law-abiding gun owners and sportsmen,” stated Chris Cox, Chairman of NRA-PVF.

As governor, Deal has signed every pro-gun rights bill to reach his desk. Sticking to his conservative principles, he will not support any changes to Georgia’s Stand Your Ground law. In his second term, Nathan Deal will continue to support pro-gun legislation and will always fight to protect our Second Amendment rights.
I just want to say this.

Every staff meeting I went into on gun bills I heard ONE name, Georgia Carry. They would always talk about how GCO wanted this or wanted that, and that was how they gauged Ga's gun voters. GCO was the thorn in their side they couldn't ignore and I couldn't be happier to be a member of their organization tonight.

Please become a member of GCO when you get a chance, they are and will continue to be a HUGE influence.
I'm a proud gco member and help out in recruiting at several gun shows... I haven't been more PROUD to belong to an organization that fights for our rights more than ever. Amazing effort had by all!
Was happy seeing the gun bill and the animal abuse bill pass, but was sad to see the medical marijuana bill fail that would've allowed parents to help control kids seizures with thc oils! Can't imagine how hurt those parents must be this morning. To know these kids will continue having over 100 seizures per day over politics makes me sick!
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