I changed it!!!

That is messed up though. Ope was my favorite character in the show. This season has been a little to far out for me. Kinda wondering if they are planning the end.
I changed it!!!

That is messed up though. Ope was my favorite character in the show. This season has been a little to far out for me. Kinda wondering if they are planning the end.

Been thinking that for the last 2 seasons but they always keep it going that's what makes it so good. But, with all that's happened lately its like itd be hard to keep it all together
I had a feeling it was going to be Ope. I didn't really think it would happen because he is easily one the favorites, but it did. It will be interesting to see how this plays out with his kids and the porn star.
I'm going to have to not watch anything or read anything about SOA for the next year. Maybe I'll forget about what I read tonight, and can enjoy and be completely surprised next year when I watch this episode.
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