Someone masked prowling around my sisters house in downtown cartersville

Mine's already racked.
A person shouldn't have to worry about their stuff being stolen, getting robbed or worse. It doesn't matter where you live there's evil everywhere.
Problem is we have had poachers on my property last hunting season and that is the reason so many camera's.
So far this season not a single Poacher has showed up on my property.
I have two people that have permission to hunt on my property and they both have land adjacent to mine.
Some strategically placed caltrops on a fishing line strung across the lawn will give them something to consider.
I had to look that one up; yeh, caltrops would be a great deterrent. Later in the thread you added you were joking about that (we all knew that anyway) since somebody mentioned jail time.

I live on a corner in a S/D and kids and others cut through and trespass all the time, so I researched what I could do and found out any type of booby trap is considered a "man trap" and is illegal--even with "no trespassing" signs, walls, fences, etc. blocking their way. A work-around would be if somebody had a lawn sprinkler system and hooked up a motion detector to turn on when someone steps onto the property. Of course, that would anger them, and they'd come back and egg your house and cars.

Apartments are an unsafe place to live, especially on the ground floor. Light-blocking curtains are a good idea, and NEVER open a window for fresh air. Apartment complexes are not responsible for your security, even though they have a "courtesy officer" (usually an off-duty LEO who lives there at a discount), and sometimes a "security gate". Be sure to use the hotel lock along with the deadbolt on the entry door. Install a hotel lock (better than a chain) if one isn't already there--use extra long screws on the door jamb side. Use one of those doorknob poles when home. Never leave your shades/drapes/curtains/blinds open--out of sight out of mind. Don't leave anything in your car, or that will get broken into as well. Criminals look for things in plain sight i.e laptops, phones, cameras, money, etc. To the OP: I hope your sister is safe and that you've taken measures to keep her that way.
"Yes there is crime everywhere and that is mostly because of the recession we are still in."🤡🤡🤡
Sorry, These pos are being fed by de momma AND our nanny federal gov. They're on the prowl for drug money and to prove how bad they be. Stay vigilant and stay armed.
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