Some people just like mcnuggets

Was that the same woman that tried to blow-up her re-pode car with the 5 gallon bucket of Gas and a lighter???? If not, it had to been her sister or something--
Reminds me of the drunk that flipped her car, with her 3 month old son in the jeep, down a deep embankment last night.
Did she call 911 first?
Family to help her son?
Ambulance? Fire department?
NO she called Ruby Tuesday's to tell her friends at the bar that she would be going to jail.
She never even realized her son was in the car until the EMTs told her.

Earlier in the evening I arrested her "boyfriend" for choking her at a Public Supermarket. She had two kids then and had drank "a few beers" She called a family member to pick her up then but she must have made the smart(not) decision to continue driving. Looked around for a good while (lots of 6ft weeds) before I reached a family member who knew where the 7 year old was. Scary
But the good thing is she can now wave at her boy friend in the jail yard!! You know, the family that stays together....
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