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In an all out economic collapse, precious metals will be worthless. Can't eat gold.

Wrong. Gold and silver have been around since the beginning of time. I mean for heavens sake, they brought gold to Jesus when he was born and it was still the most precious metal. It has faired through EVERY major catastrophe and breakdown in history. It's not going anywhere and it will always be valuable, even in another meltdown.
Very uneducated post.

Ah, uneducated, really, way to show your arrogance.

Last I checked in an " ECONOMIC COLLAPSE" it's not the fiat that is devalued, it's the entire system. Meaning gold and silver would be worthless. Not to mention, do you really think if all of the sudden food becomes scarce, and all you have is pm's, do you think the guy with food is going to trade you? What is he going to do with the gold and silver? Eat it? Drink it? Answer is no, he's not giving you anything, because they have no use.

In case you guys missed it, we back more of our currency on oil than we do gold and silver, this happened in the 1960's.

Ever been in any catastrophes there buddy? Didn't think so. Ask anyone who was in Katrina how far gold got them. But hey, I know you probably dropped bank on some gold after listening to Neal Boortz and Sean Hannity, and you would be upset to know the truth, so I'll let you believe what you want.
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Ask anyone who was in Katrina how far gold got them.

Gold, silver, it doesn't matter. First off, silver is a consumable. We use it in millions of items. Every piece of electronic equipment uses it and the world is powered by electronics. If the world gets to the point where silver (especially) or gold is useless, chances are that food will probably be useless. Hopefully you understand my point. No matter how much you think society will fail and we will go back to living like cavemen, this isn't the Ice Age and we aren't going backwards. Maybe in the "wrong" direction, but NEVER again will you see man living in caves, making knives from arrowheads. Get real.

Now, as far as your comment about Katrina and gold/silver.......ask anyone who was in Katrina how far their brass and lead got them. Like I said, your post comes from ignorance.
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Bravo Sierra.

The ownership of gold in the US was banned from 1932 (ahh, the great depression, eg: economic collapse for half in USA) with the exception of coin dealers collectible coins and some personal jewelry.

Exactly, which is what we are talking about. Ultimately, did gold make it through the depression? Well considering spot closed at $1419.00, I'd say so. Not sure where you ever picked up on the fact that I collect silver and gold in hopes to exchange it for food someday.

Secondly, it wasn't illegal to own gold. It was illegal to "hoard" gold. Executive order 6102 made it illegal for anyone to own more than 5 troy ounces, which in today's market is about $7500.00 and it was only to help get the dollar back afloat after the Depression. Those days are over and those are 60 year old tactics.

In closing, take your eyes of the short term and think broad for a second. As I said, gold has been one of the most desired and precious metals for at least 2044 years and I sorta think it will continue to be...
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Listen, you-me-we are all free to spend and invest our hard earned money as we please and disagree with one another while doing so.

But with a government as powerful as ours, stroke of the pen can undo ANY sound investment next week.


[Broken External Image]:

Excellent point.

Diversify holdings.
Some of that and some of this. Bound to be something someone else needs that we would have if money was not available or worthless.
If inflation kicks up it will be the quest for consumables or commodities used on a daily basis that will kick us backwards as a comfortable civilization.
Food, shelter, transportation...........
2 cents worth.
Gold, silver, it doesn't matter. First off, silver is a consumable. We use it in millions of items. Every piece of electronic equipment uses it and the world is powered by electronics. If the world gets to the point where silver (especially) or gold is useless, chances are that food will probably be useless. Hopefully you understand my point. No matter how much you think society will fail and we will go back to living like cavemen, this isn't the Ice Age and we aren't going backwards. Maybe in the "wrong" direction, but NEVER again will you see man living in caves, making knives from arrowheads. Get real.

Now, as far as your comment about Katrina and gold/silver.......ask anyone who was in Katrina how far their brass and lead got them. Like I said, your post comes from ignorance.

Wrong wrong wrong. Guns got people a lot further in Katrina than a rolex did. But hey I just have half my family in Chalmette and Slidell, what do I know.

Also, I'm not the one building an underground pod for my family to live in for "SHTF/WROL/TEOTWAWKI", so let's not think about whose thinking about living in "caves". I'm obviously not going to convince you that your metals would be worthless, so I'm just going to let you think you're right.
the way I see it... in a financial meltdown, the gold will be more handy than the guns. In a civil unrest situation.... gold is really useless. Many people would try to buy their way out of a disaster area.... the only downfall to that is 50,000 other people will have the same idea. Just my 2 cents.
the way I see it... in a financial meltdown, the gold will be more handy than the guns. In a civil unrest situation.... gold is really useless. Many people would try to buy their way out of a disaster area.... the only downfall to that is 50,000 other people will have the same idea. Just my 2 cents.

Nah man. Gold is good for conducting electricity. That's it. That is THE only use for it. In a " financial meltdown", the gold will be devalued as well.
Also, I'm not the one building an underground pod for my family to live in for "SHTF/WROL/TEOTWAWKI", so let's not tink about whose thinking about living in "caves". I'm obviously not going to convince you that your metals would be worthless, so I'm just going to let you think you're right.

And I cancertainly guarantee you that metals wont be the only thing in it should we need to retreat into it for fallout purposes! I prepare with metals, weapons, food, water, medicinal items, etc so I am far from ill prepared. You really shouldn't post in these types of posts with things you have simply read someone else say. Trust me, I will not rely on any metals to keep me or my family alive but you can bet that I will still have them in case I need them for what ever reason. Remember, not everyone lives at the bottom of the food chain so I promise someone in a SHTF scenario would gladly appreciate my metals if I happen to be at the bottom of the food chain also. :) Diversity is the key and I hate to rain on your Gen Y parade but if all you have are guns and lead, chances are YOU will be the easiest prey at the bottom rung on the ladder. I will say that your posting history here leaves me laughing to think that you are a good candidate for advice.
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