set your clocks back...................


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Indians wont bother you now cuz you are touched
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May 19, 2010
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set clocks back.jpg
Yep I’d at least go back to when folks realized that there was only 24 hours in a day and no matter what time the clock says you still have the same hours of daylight and dark🥸
Since we’re time traveling, Id set it back to the 1920/30’s. Ive always wished I was born in that era. I would have gotten to see a lot of neat things. And I sure as the world would have made better life choices than I did with this life. But I aint God….
I think being born in 1890 and living to 1975 would be the lifespan (85 years) that has the most change that "I" consider important.

-- horses out, cars in.

-- electric household appliances

-- movies at public theaters (silent at first, then talkies).

-- radio for news and music & talk shows.

-- telephones come to everyone's home, and work. Replaces telegrams

-- later, television.

-- airplanes are invented, go from a powered glider to serious useful planes in 15 years. And progress to supersonic jets in only 40 more years.

-- airplanes replace trains for transportation.

--18-wheel trucks take over cargo and freight from trains.

--computers are not only invented but start becoming common in the world of big business.
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