Road trip with the in-laws Part 87

You know….sometimes it’s not hard to see how/why someone looses it and kills 20 people for “no real reason” ! LMAO !! 🤣
Just kidding of course !

My in-laws are great people and I really did win the lottery when I married my wife. But damn, sometimes....sometimes man...smh...
Damn, I was up at 3AM too last night, but just stayed in bed because if I get up to surf the ODT the dogs will get up to and wake the wife. And damn man, I'd have chucked that squeaky strawed drink and MIL's phone out the window. You have a lot of patience :lol:
Believe me, I was holding back a lot during this trip!
we are subject to randoms too but at this point of dealing with 40plus commute hours a month from one side of Atlanta to the other with all the morons out there I started eating 1/4 delta 8 gummies pretty regular. I know its russian roulette but....
Honestly for me, they seem to help reflux and sleep. My issue as far as sleep is early waking😵‍💫
and 2nd the motion for the beer stop...
GLW rest of trip!
Make sure ya'll pick restaurants that have screaming/crying kids when you sit down to eat. That will top off your trip.
This will solve that problem for them...No unruly kids allowed, they will be asked to leave.

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