Reoccurring Tonsillitis

I had strep repeatedly every year as a kid and teenager. I begged, but Doc said, "We don't do tonsillectomies any more." After getting married (wife had the same history) we saw an ENT. Told him the story and he said, "We pull them when they need to come out!" He was one who still used the head mirror. I was told to ask about laser surgery, and he said no. He knew that a scalpel worked and wasn't going to take unnecessary chances. I liked that guy and told him to get it done.

Head Mirror.jpg

We were 25. I'm now 62 and have been getting healthier every single year since they were removed at 25. I'm literally healthier and stronger now than I was 40 years ago, and I've had three bouts with COVID.

Docs back then didn't tell you that repeated strep infections can cause heart problems.

You'll need help. It sucks as an adult. Plan to be down in bed for a week. It's well worth it. During that week, The Three Stooges were my best friends! Laughing hurt like hell but it was well worth it!
I had mine out (also deviated septum cleaned up, soft pallet cut down, and uvula removed) at 29 for severe sleep apnea. Either my DR was really great or I have a real high tolerance for pain. He said it would be awful.

I had surgery on a Thursday, was eating eggs and pasta by Tuesday, follow up appointment on Thursday, dr was scared to come in the room. I asked why? He said I was best case for pain he’d seen.

Got fat again, back to cpap but at least I don’t get those nasty tonsil stones that stink to high hell and make you choke.

Dr is going to recommend what makes $$$ so plan on surgery.
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